I don't understand why the host official is better than the satellite official that is assigned by the District or State if they feal they need their hands in it? It's a mute subject to me personnaly, I have to be there to coach in the am. But when Mr. Mike Juby stands up at the State Body meeting and tells us how we should have split session tourny's because it's more economical on the parents, it kinda seams like people are talking out of two sides of there .... sorry mouth. If your kid is in the pm seesion it really sucks to drive 2 1/2 hours (that is my drive)to weigh in then either drive home at 3.75/ga or spend the night at $50-100.00. Then wake up stay in a hotel until 11 then go wrestle. We as Kansas wrestlers have more sense than what we are showing. Like I said the cheaters will be caught sooner than later

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