I respectfully disagree.

Eczema is not easily kept in remission with all cases. There are in fact several different variables to consider when looking at causes for this condition. In my sons case, he is highly allergic to several foods and almost all trees and grasses, all of which cause his eczema to flare. Environmental factors are impossible to control. We have been to 3 different drs for help with this (even drove to KC to see a specialist).We go to see a Dr. every week to look at his skin and fill out the skin release form. Question to Tom also, Is a Dr. note sufficient in these cases or will someone look at the flare up and determine who wrestles and who doesn't regardless of following the rules and completing skin form accompanied by a Dr. note?
Originally Posted By: in it to win it
One out of 10 children have eczema. Eczema is a highly inducible secondary bacterial opportunity for staphylococcus aureas which may include MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus) generally treatable with bactrim ds (sulfa derivative), streptococcus, HSV, molluscum contagiosum.

Eczema is easily able to be kept in remission with topical lotion and corticosteroids its the secondary infections that love to interact with the "atopic dermatitis" broken, chafed, irritated & inflamed skin layer. Stress as well as heat is a factor in exacerbating the condition. Keeping the skin in check is important for all children.

Michael Daniel
Great Bend, Ks