Patrick you are right that is where the head to head took place kids state. I recieved a call from one of the selection crew for this event and he said he had never heard of Cash or myself untill yesterday when i posted on this forum. I am very shocked that a selection crew would make any decisions without looking at the season rankings. Cash has been ranked #3 in all class and #2 in class 5A for most of the year. I just went back and checked to make sure and Cash is still ranked #3 all class and the rankings were posted before they had there selection meeeting. There is even one of the people that does the rankings on this selection crew, so i can not understand why they have not heard of us. There is still plenty of time to correct this mistake and have the best wrestler in the match. I hope they step up and do what is right and follow there selection critiria. Facts do not lie. I was also told that if it is not in high school it does not matter. I hope for college sake and even olympic sake that there matches do mean somthing to the wrestling world, because Cash has put in alot of extra summer time work hoping to go to the next level. But remember this selection crew said only HIGH SCHOOL means anything to them.

Butch Drylie

Last edited by Butch Drylie; 03/16/12 05:40 PM.

Butch Drylie