Coach Slyter and I went to see Spencer today. When we arrived they were moving him into a new room. Spencer seemed to be doing well and seemed to enjoy the company. We spoke with Ed, Spencer and his Mother for about an hour. His Legs are doing well he has some stiches but no real damage to tendons and ligaments. Spencer seemed to be recovering slowly but well. His jaw will need to have surgery and I believe that will be within the next few days. Aussuming that surgery goes well and after they get the abdomen issue fixed I believe he is on his way home soon. Spencer will have a long road back to getting healthy and strong again. Right now he is being given his nutrtion through a tube i his nose. Spencer claims he iis still hungry, what wrestler isnt? All in all it was good to see Spencer and after we chated and wished him well and wished him to a speedy recovery we left the hospital.