Beeson, I think your definition is a bit rude and condescending towards new wrestlers. My kids are 5 and 7, I want them to learn to enjoy wrestling and just give it a try. My 7 yr olds first tournament was an open and it was really tough, we went to a novice next to show her that she can have some success and keep learning and improving, and it worked. She is excited to continue with wrestling and wants to work hard to learn. And at 5 yrs old I want to see my son ENJOY, SMILE, TRY. Expertise and drive will come later and my kids won't be burnt out. I think the parents bragging about NOT wrestling novice are the ones trying build a rep for themselves based on their kid competing. There are different levels of wrestlers, and different reasons for competing. Everyone should be allowed to sample the sport and grow at a pase they are comfortable with. If my kids never win, but keep trying and learning them I am proud of them. Trophies and medals turn to dust, but the lessons learned on the mat build character that will lead our kids to be confident in who they are in life. THAT is the true reward.

I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper, plans to not fail.