Hey Double J. I hear you. Alex T. is real good as I said but so is Becker and I have no evidence that leads me to predict that Alex T. would beat Becker. My comment pretty much indicated I believed they were close but my personal opinion was Becker was #2 but as long as he was no less than #3 that was cool. Of course you are going to lean to Alex T. because he beat Jared two years ago. But that Jared has improved tons since then and no way would lose to Alex T. now if they were at the same weight. Becker has improved a lot too over the last two years and I believe he has improved more than Alex T. who as you stated was out last year. Too bad we probably won't ever know unless they both win out and wrestle in the All-Star dual at years end but it will probably be Blackwell instead of course and Thibault will miss out. They are real close I think. I wouldn't be surprised either way with the outcome. I wish them both the best.

Yes 4A looks tougher over all at 152 but like I said , don't be surprised if Ogden wins it. Best wishes to he and Gehring both and Watkins.

I am usually right Double J. about these things because I never make predictions about kids unless my son has wrestled them or they were in a bracket or at a tournament or something really close so I have watched them all wrestle lots from kids up to now with focus on most recent high school analysis. I have lots to analyze and compare with which to come up with my high accuracy predictions.

Just look at how Hurtado beat Edwards, as I predicted and told Chief, to gain the finals birth at Newton against Humphrey and Matthews beat Kennedy and Suhr, as I predicted and told Chief, to gain the finals birth at Newton against Eastman. Now both will move to their appropriate spots in the rankings as I predicted. Of course Edwards and Kennedy both will get their rematches at regional or state and things could go the other way. I could be wrong though about Maki over Dickman as Dickman beasted to the finals of the Bobcat. It appears he is much improved but I still lean to Maki. My man Leach in the finals of Bobcat against Mies looks very tasty. Of course you know who I will be rooting for and predicting to win as he was a team mate of my sons. Sure don't want to wish anything bad on any kids though and won't just to satisfy a selfish desire to always be right. I am OK being wrong every once in a while as I am human, but not too often. I wish them all the best.

Again, my son has wrestled all of these kids except Thibault. So no one should be disappointed, offended or surprised when I am right. I don't have a crystal ball, a wizard or a magic info elf. I make predictions about stuff I know a lot about. I don't just make predictions to make predictions. I don't make predictions about things unless I know what I am talking about because I want to have the highest probability possible of being right.

Everyone have a great day! Best wishes to Jared. And thanks Chief for your efforts. I sincerely appreciate it.