Originally Posted By: PatrickCavanaugh
Originally Posted By: RJW1
Originally Posted By: PatrickCavanaugh
Where does it say in the bible or 10 commandments it is a sin for a boy compete in a sport against a girl.

Without getting into a huge religious debate. . . Let me explain that the Catholic Faith does not just base everything off the Bible. The Catholic Faith asserts that Catholic Church Traditions are equivalent to the Bible when building a platform of faith. In other words, something does not have to be in the Bible or 10 Commandments for it to be a staple of the Catholic Faith.
Touche Sportsfan, and guys these were rhetorical questions, I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic schools, was even an alter boy. I am very well aware of Catholic Doctrine. My posts were an attempt to provoke thought for those that support this rule that the Catholic schools have in place. And calling competition between girls and boys in sports a staple of the Catholic faith is a real stretch and probably offensive to most Catholics reading this post.

Read above, big guy! I stated that I am Catholic and do not believe it is a sin to wrestle a boy. Your rhetorical question was pointless because the people who go to a Catholic School in a Diocese that has this rule know it is not in the Bible, but realize their Diocese interprets this as against their faith and has this rule. I'm sure my posts on this topic have not offended any Catholics with a brain!

I really thought you did not know how the Catholic Faith worked and was just saying that the Catholic Faith is based on Bible and Tradition. I did not state that this rule was a staple of their Faith.

I now know that your rhetorical question was intended to take a shot at the KC Diocese policies or the use of Tradition in faith in general. Good one! I will take my Faith any day and not take shots at yours!

Rick Williams
Colby High School