Originally Posted By: 3HSWrestler
The funny thing about saying "no disrespect", is that you inevitability do. Do you have a daughter? If so, if she told her daddy that she wanted to wrestle, would you forbid her? What kind of a lesson is that? I have been around this sport for 35 years as a wrestler, coach and now as a father of wrestlers and my philosophy has always been to treat my opponent across from me with the same RESPECT whether they were male, female, black or white. They get the same intensity, the same crossface...because that's what they deserve when they decide to step on the mat! These boys and girls that wrestle spend all season working, sweating and sacrificing for that respect. To take that away is an utter travesty. I have a daughter that will be a freshman next year that loves watching her brothers wrestle. Will she want to wrestle? Probably not. But if she does, I will support her because as of now she has the right to compete with the boys...and that's my job as a father...support my children. XGHSWC...I respect your son's decision, as I would any others, and would stand beside you arguing your case if need be. Anyway, I apologize for the long-winded post and I wish the best of luck to ALL wrestlers strappin it on this weekend. I myself, will be paying close attention to the 6a 170 bracket @ BVNW.

Keith Heniss

Like I said, I was speaking hypothetically. My son is done with HS and is wrestling in college now. He did not go to a private school so we never had to deal with what surely would be quite a moral dilemma I imagine. I am sad for those that do have to struggle with this conflict and I hope it works out. I am also happy for them though if that is what they want and I respect their commitment to their faith. I was just saying for me, my son getting his just deserts would be the most important thing. I would never be in that position and/or would never put my son in that position unless that is what he wanted. But I'm glad to hear that you would stand by me if we were in that predicament. Thank you. I do think it is incredibly ridiculous though and perhaps even selfish that this conflict even exists although I am definitely not wanting to be disrespectful or pass judgement. Best wishes to all.