Originally Posted By: Beeson
Originally Posted By: Bender
Originally Posted By: Beeson
Here is the only CLUE that this IDIOT has...how about if any school can't follow the rules for any reason, they should not have a wrestling team.

Thank you for putting those in all caps, it shows how much smarter you are than me, an IDIOT. (I assume this is directed at me?)

If you would read the post you would see that IDIOT was directed at ME not YOU. My problem is that two kids got screwed. My problem is that if male wrestlers would injury default to other male wrestlers to manipulate the bracket, everyone would be up in arms. My problem is that private schools want the advantages of state activities, but they want special rules for them. This is why I am throwing my hissy fit. The church needs to adjust their rules when wrestling in State activities, the State should not have to adjust their rules for the church. For the record, I do not blame these kids at all. The boys or the girls.
Well, I am glad you did not call me an idiot. The rest of this post I feel does not apply. This scenario could have happened for a private school, it could have been a kid deciding not to wrestle. It seems there is really no reason to get all up in arms and go attack the "church". I am pretty sure that the archdiocese of KCK's decision to not allow boys to wrestle girls did not stem from some plot to take over the "state"; I believe it simply came out of ignorance. In that, I believe they did not take a good look at their decision and the implications it may have. But honestly, I do not feel bad for the kid who did not go to state, because he had to wrestle someone better than he "should have".

Bite my shiny metal @$$