Originally Posted By: Forum reader
Originally Posted By: Beeson
So the Arch Bishop is the one to blame. He picks and chooses what rules to follow and to what extent that they will be enforced. Sounds like a man with questionable morals. Maybe he should step down. And by the way, I have questionable morals, but Im not a leader of a religious group that effects the lives of thousands of people.
Wow, there is just nothing Beeson won't say. I can't imagine actually having a conversation with him. Questioning the Arch Bishop's morals because of this decision. Way out of line.

Questioning leadership(not my leader) is wrong? I'm way out of line? I don't think so, leaders being questioned is what built this country. Not questioning them is what lead to the terrible things that Richard spoke of in his post. Questioning keeps people honest. No one should be given free reign, not even me.

Unnecessary Roughness is Necessary