And what did I not research?[/quote]

Well for starters, the injured kid did place. Since you're just a fan of the sport I'm going to assume you either never wrestled or weren't very good. It's not easy for a wrestler of Isaac caliber to just flip a switch a take it easy on kids. When you're that good you just go.
Lastly, don't try to make a kid feel bad by basically saying "because you did that, this, this, this, and this probably happened and its all your fault." Isaac was wrestling not trying to ruin the kids life. [/quote]

Cokely, Perz and other people critcizing my respose.

Here's some research for you on my credentials. I placed 2nd and 3rd in 6A kansas back in the 80s. I wrestled four years in college and won 97 matches. I also am an assistant wrestling coach currently on my sons team. I also refereed over 10 years in KS, MO, and IN. I also had a son wrestle in Ohio. I have seen a lot of wrestling and been involved in it on all sides.

My original point is that Isaac agreed to a comment from that kids gets injured due to awkwardness from different skill levels and was referring to Entophobics point that inferred this kid got hurt because his skill level was lower awkward. Perz, please resarch Enotphobic's and Isaac's reponse that is history on this post and did not misquote anybody.

Before people miquoting me heres my points:

1. Isaac is a great wrestler and looks like a great kid and and has a great wrestling future.
2. It was the right call, and yes he was over aggressive on the slam. But I made a point to say it wasn't unsportsmanlike but was unecessary roughness.
3. I'm sure the Salina South wrestler is also a great kid and worked his butt off also to get where he's at.
4. My opinion, he did not get hurt due to the awkwardness of his skill level.
5. I think its crap to say in this situation that he got hurt because he was awkward due to his lower skill level. I've seen enough wrestling to say that is not the case in this incident. You don't know wrestling if you think it is IMO (Cokely). My comments are not also prejudically affected because I don't know the kid and my son hasnt wrestled with him causing me to be offended and to respond with a personal attack at the original poster.
6. Also, Isaac D agreeds with the comment that kids get hurt because of awkwardness of lower skill levels, when you're the wrestler that hurt the kid is plain arrogant in my book. Thats why Im calling him out. Note the context of Entophobics was spefically directed at this situation.
7. Even though when I beat my opponents, I would never be cocky enough to go online publicly and descibe them as "being less skilled" or having "less ability"
8. Cokely, You're right he placed 6th. I thought he lost in first round, maybe I should researched that point further, but really does not change my original point.
9. To Pete Eck? My name is Steve Mathis and live out of state. Sorry for not following the forum rules.

Steve Mathis
West Lafayette, In

"If pro is the opposite on con, then the opposite of progress is congress"