I rarely read this forum because often I feel there is more negative than positive on here. As a matter of fact until today I didn't even have an account to post on here. However, I thought I would shed some light on this topic. First of all there is no one on this earth I love with all of my heart more than my brother. Anyone who TRUELY knows me realizes this. We are hard headed competitive people who do butt heads with each other at times. With that being said we never question each others love for one another and would bleed for the other, no questions asked. Second of all I did hug my brother after his match. Im sorry it wasn't immediatley and that some may have missed it. Funny how Im stealing the spotlight yet this topic started as a positive thread about TAGEN yet someone drags it down. Third of all I believe Mr. Luellen cleared things up on the running. I understand that my passion and extreme want for my athletes to succeed may bleed out during competition more than others. If it is that bothersome to anyone in particular......look the the other way. Im not changing. If you dont like the way I am feel free to approach me and express yourself. You have that right. I however have the right to tell you to stick it where the sun dont shine hahaha. I may be an intense firey dude, but I LOVE this sport, LOVE my athletes, and will continue to do what I do for years to come. Im excited for all the post season events, both folkstyle and freestyle. Lets keep Kansas moving in the right direction and strive to be on top. Have a nice day and I look foward to continuing the season with the rest of the die hard mat rats out there!