Originally Posted By: XGHSWC
Totally ignorant ass asenine comment. Not shocked to hear it from the source though.
Totally different issue as well and additionally upsets have nothing to do with "Bridesmaids". Bridesmaids is mostly about being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Nice dig, but please get over it Lucas and move on with something positive and productive.

Still hiding behind some letters I see! Why dont you put your name in your post? Its been 4 years and I have no clue who you are! I was hoping you would come say Hi while I was in Ark City

The truth hurts X I know! The first step to fixing the problem is admitting you have one. You still think its ok that 5a and 6a state compete against 55%-65% of the total number of kids in each division, While 3a and 4a only wrestle the top 25%-35% but hey this year in 5a only 3 kids made it through without winning a single match, Thats much better than last year! Plus the rosters at regionals looked almost full.

Im sorry to have upset you.

If a kid placed the year before and did not place this year, Well in most case's somewhere he was upset.

Im not going to stoop to name calling or calling someone ignorant for stating a fact, Id like to think I have grown up a lil in the last few years, so I will leave you with my thoughts and a good day to you XYZ!