Originally Posted By: ksuwrestling2
And you have a long history of sticking up for SJA. Which wouldn't be so bad if you weren't the 4A and all-class state ranker. I for one don't care for this and would like to see you step down. A ranker should be free of bias and impartial. You seem to have an affinity for private schools.

First of all, SJA is a 5A school. If you care to look at the facts, I ranked ARK, SJA and STA 1/2/3 in my final 5A pre-state ranking. That's exactly how they finished. In 6A, I ranked GC, JC and DB 1/2/3 in my final pre-state ranking. That's exactly where they finished. In 4A, 8 of my top 10 teams finished in the top 10.

Every single ranking service on this planet has a personal opinion. When comparing wrestlers who have not met on the mat and have no commons, the ranker makes a choice based on his or her own opinion along with opinions of their trusted sources. Your comment that a ranker should be free of any such opinion is a sophomoric statement, showing a lack of understanding.

Every single time that you have made these unfounded claims, you were asked by myself and others to simply state an example. Your position was found bankrupt when you failed to do so. You will find out in life Steve, that if your claims consistently lack evidence then you will be correctly labeled as a boy who cried wolf.

Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12