No I don't think you pretty much speak for everybody. Cokeley brings up some very valid points. If you think Chief is biased, just wait till these coaches start. I guarantee that these coaches will be so busy with their wrestling teams that they will not put in the time and energy that Chief does into the rankings. I hate how often Chief changes his rankings, but they are as up to date and as accurate as they ever were before or will be after. The KWCA has taken a HUGE step backward in the betterment of Kansas Wrestling.

Remember it is the 4A coaches that are wanting their class divided into 2 groups so there will be more state championships. Every body can be a winner in 4A. It is the 4A coaches that want Chief out. Why are the 4A coaches wanting to make it so easy for the kids? Why are the 4A coaches wanting to make it so easy for themselves? Does a State Championship mean as much if you water it down? Doesn't it take away if everybody is a winner? What a JOKE!!!

Unnecessary Roughness is Necessary