There certainly is a rule against taunting, per se, or otherwise. Any act deemed to be taunting is unsportsmanlike conduct, by rule. There is nothing that prohibits takedown/release/takedown, that's in the rule book, or case book. There's also no rule against being full of yourself and acting the fool, at least so long as your aren't unsportsmanlike in doing so.

Unlike most of the rules, taunting does require the official to discern the wrestler's he really intending to belittle his opponent, or is just having fun. A happy wrestler isn't necessarily a taunting wrestler. There are always ways for the official to intercede, but if it isn't unsportsmanlike, which is a judgment call, it becomes a question of whether you are injecting your own subjective view of what the better wrestler is thinking. I've seen lots of kids with a dumb, wiseacre grin on their face....and they were the ones getting clobbered!

Also, as adults, we sometimes view things differently than high school aged kids. When I was that age, there were a lot of things that I thought and did that I wouldn't think or do as an adult. They get some slack because of their immaturity.