Another interesting couple of match ups are in the works!!!! I am so glad that qwerty brought up the Tujague vs. Reynolds match to start.

Another one....285 Johnson vs Stephenson....THe planets aligned on this one. I hear that Johson's views on Post Modern Art was mocked by Stephenson as, and I quote, "Lacking Substance and originallity". To think that he did not say this on Facebook, but on the Today show. Not sure as to how this one is going to work out. Stephenson is the superior wrestler, but you give a guy the bulliten board material under the big lights at state and it turns into a coin flip.

106. Michaels v Jackson. This is one that is a feud that has gone on for centuries. Everyone knows that Michaels is a card carrying member of the Allied Atheist Allegiance and that his science is far superior to Jackson, a member of United Atheist Alliance. The fact that they are in the same building together is stretching the bounds of protocall for both groups. They have conviened a conclave, of sorts, to help them decide if they can accually touch each other, let alone wrestle. Keep up with the ever changing story on Stephen Hawkings Blog...Space, Holy Crap it's cold.

170.Now the one that we never would happen in our life time. Marx vs Che. Who is the greater communist???? One likes Red the other loves green. The fact that those are the colors of the ankle bands worn by the competitors makes this a clash of the Commie Titans!!!!!! (ECHO ECHO ECHO) THere are going to be nukes pointed at starving countries for this one. i heard that the loser has to shave their bad facial hair.

As you can see these match ups are going to be epic. Now back to QWERTY McPoopyPants. Nice try. Good bait setting. Now get a real screen name, or go back to the one you were using before, and come up with a real wrestling topic. If you want to discuss your opinion as to how the "church is being hypocritical" then call / PM someone that would care to even talk about it. Other than that...Jesus Loves you and so do I.

Peace and Rainbows,

Craig C. Adams