I just got up from the all night drive back from Denver. This trip was one for the ages! I will try later, to shine some light on the dozens of awesome stories from this event and our time in the great city of Denver.

An overall thought to share now...

How great is it to be able to compete at a tournament with awesome competition, (we had undefeated and several state champions get beat), win the Team title for the THIRD year and still get a match-up between two of our own best wrestlers in state! Some of our guys wrestled THIRTEEEN matches this weekend!!

We had three weights where our #1 All-Class wrestler will change when the final All-Class ranking gets posted tomorrow morning! The 2013-14 All-Class T-shirts will be printed once again. These are fourteen exclusive shirts that only those fourteen #1's will have earned!

I can assure you that KANSAS WRESTLING is alive and well!!! smile

Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12