It is MUCH easier to officiate!

And it creates points and action. It no longer allows out-of-bound to be a "safe haven." (especially this year when wrestlers could ALSO score nearfall & falls out of bounds (check out the Houdashelt edge of the mat cradle on youtube, incredible!). College wrestlers when on their back, can't scoot out & get safe.

The safety issue is a non-issue. It's not often that wrestling on the edge is a floor or table issue....but when it is, then ref blows the whistle & stops action because of it. It really is very simple.

But many, many near-score situations will be allowed to finish because of allowing wrestling on the edge, as the NCAA has.

It is, in my opinion, the absolute BEST thing that has happened to collegiate wrestling in many years.

NF has no reason to not follow suit. NCAA has proven it has been a great change with absolutely nothing but positives.