well since your the 2nd person that has asked me that in the past week i had to sit down and look at some of the reasons. with my son there are several reasons. one being finances. my wife lost her job 2 years ago and she had to start over. we make quite a bit less money now and with 5 kids we had to make some changes with each kid. i have 2 girls in high school and they now only play 2 sports each. with brady we had to sit down and ask him what he really likes. wrestling was at the bottom of that list. its not because he wasnt good at it but the long drag on of the season was much of the reason. to keep up with kids these days most kids have to wrestle 8-10 months and some wrestle all year. you do that for 8-10 years and it wears on you. in the past few years he told me his favorite part of the wrestling season was going to omaha and wrestling with a team of kids from all over the state. honestly in my opinion i think club sports is hurting all sports not just wrestling. i used to play in chanute rec league then at the end of the season we formed 2 all-star teams to play in a couple tournaments. that was for baseball. i didnt start tackle football until i was in 7th grade. now they start in 2nd grade. another reason he said was because he likes basketball better. its more fun to play and all his friends from his school play basketball and thats what he liked to do. is be with his friends. me as a dad coach probably wasnt the best thing for him. i pushed him and pushed him hard. i made tons of mistakes with him. as kids get older they sometimes have to make decisions. i honestly think with the emphasis on school work is making it hard for kids to play multiple sports come high school as well. brady struggles in keeping focus on his school work and i am not sure he will be able to succeed in 3 sports in high school. if i could go back and change anything about wrestling i would not make it competitive at a young age. i would start november first and be done at the end of january. then if he wanted to do more start freestyle wrestling. we need those kids to be at high school state so they see the reason why they are wrestling in the first place. i know not every one who reads this will agree but these are my thoughts on this. if my wife would not have ever put that stupid basketball goal in the driveway when my kids were young they would not have ever picked up a basketball lol. i dont think we can sit here and say there is one reason we are losing kids at the high school level. add all the reasons together would be more logical. the biggest reason in my opinion is the long season along with the toughness it takes to be a good wrestler. not many kids that are not good continue. there are a handful of stories but not the majority. kids that are good in several sports are more likely to continue with a sport that is easier and more fun to do. i think kansas overall needs to look at a shorter season and make it fun by doing more dual tournaments. i would like to hear other peoples thoughts that have had kids not continue as well.

Scott Bockover