Wrestling from Oklahoma and then coaching in Kansas I was totally shocked at the weigh in procedures in Kansas. I understand the thought process about wanting kids to focus on school and not cutting weight. From my experience the day of any competition I was totally focused on my match that night, or day of competition and just got through the school day. ( I am sure that is probably the way most kids are the day of battle.) I think that what Church mentioned about times of weigh-in's is a good thing and also allows the coach to teach more about proper nutrition. We always weighed in at 5pm and wrestled duels at 7pm. Tournaments were 3 hours before start times. With on site weigh their leaves no doubt about kids actual weight.
I also think that KSHSAA needs to consider giving kids more than two weeks to prepare for the season opener. I know a lot of teams start out with two a days to try and compensate for the short amount of time that is given to get ready for the start of the season.
Getting a chance this year to shadow my home town from Oklahoma I have witnessed the paperwork fiasco and Church is spot on about it being overbearing.

Just my thoughts.