No Drill Routines. No Success.

As a wrestler or coach, it is vital that you have a set of drill routines in place. Success on the wrestling mat is not only about what you drill, it is also about what you don’t drill. Consider any Gold’s Gym training facility, needless to say there is a lot of equipment in there. However, if you are gunning for a college wrestling scholarship, you are not likely to mess with the thigh-master machine or pulling the thick rubber bands that hang on the walls…those are for the old ladies. You will spend your time dead-lifting, squatting, doing tire flips, etc. In fact, with great lifting routine, you are not likely to touch but a very small portion of the equipment in the facility. Wrestling is much the same. This is the key to success in wrestling - be it running a great wrestling room, a productive wrestling camp, or a personal wrestling program.

Good luck!

- Purler

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