I couldn't agree more with the above comments. With that being said, I have grown to dislike the term novice or novice specific tournaments. It seems every year there is always this "what is a novice kid" discussion. I have this discussion with parents every year in our club and it can be frustrating at times. I have grown to believe that no tournament should have the novice title in its name and all tournaments should become open. Open to everyone, from the 1st year kid to the state champion. Then I wont have to explain to the 1st and 2nd year parent why their "novice " wrestler just got beat by an 8U that was running wings and riding legs. Maybe we should adapt a better ranking system? If i'm not mistaken this is something Track can be set up to recognize and would place the kids with other similarly ranked kids.

A= State Qualifier
B= Good (usually places)
C= Experienced
D= Beginner (1st year)

At the end of the day there really is no perfect solution better than good ole common sense. This is just my two cents on the topic.

Scott Underwood
Tonganoxie Wrestling

Last edited by chieftain; 01/12/17 12:32 PM.

Scott Underwood
Tonganoxie Wrestling