As a old timer that has seen kids go through this transition for years... I would add that you are generally talking about a smaller number of kids that were HS studs and wrestle 14U kids. Most are JV or lower level kids that struggle with the 8th graders or have some moderate success they have not had all year. Anyone wanting to basically protect these 8th graders is only setting them up to for a rude reality in 6 months. If you are worried about them wrestling kids that are in their age group, but got more experience, what are you telling them about 6 months later wrestling kids that are 4-5 year older in some cases? They should have had success in the year before the HS came into the division. Seeing what the next level is will help not hurt them.

I really like the perspective Beeson has in his last post. Many that have already been down this path see a bigger picture and have had kids (their own or ones they have coached) excel by hard work and seeking out the competition, not by trying to get a angle or shelter kids so they can be winners. Wrestling is a rough sport, kids wrestling is about getting better, and wrestling the best competition and getting the best coaching you can to position you for the next level.

To me it's less about this actual issue and more about we are looking for ways to make everything even or fair, when wrestling and life in general should be about if you want something go work for it. Most don't want to admit that is the core issue.

I am not attacking anyone, but I have seen it many times. JMO.