Holy Cow I don't know how many times I have to say it has nothing to do with my son's individual performance and only secondarily does it have to do with the freshman being allowed to enter the state series in 14U. THE PRIMARY PROBLEM WITH THE 14U AGE GROUP IS IT IS A 1 YEAR AGE GROUP UNTIL THE STATE SERIES. READ THE FIRST POST OF THE THREAD! The problem is an age cutoff that creates that situation, I don't care what you change the cutoff to so long and there are 2 grade levels of kids able to participate in said age group over the course of the season. The insinuation that this thread had anything to do with a single tournament let alone one match is more than ridiculous. It has to do with having to travel all season to national tournaments out of state to consistently get the kind of competition that makes you better. We are lucky enough to manage that, there are many who are not for various reasons, and those kids are being shortchanged the year before high school because of the KS age cutoff. Mr McDonald your son wrestled a great tournament and deserved his win against Ben, hopefully we will get a chance to try again before next weekend's over. Tom Baughman I don't know you and you don't know me. How it is you figure I'm upset, thrilled, puzzled or anything else about anything is beyond me. I never mentioned anyone by name in this thread, that was intentional on my part--don't put words in my mouth. From the first page of this thread my opinion in this matter has been mischaracterized as some kind of pity party I'm having because my kid didn't have the kind of success I wanted him to a district. Nope, not the case. I'm good with me and mine

Last edited by BigBlue6; 03/16/17 12:39 PM.

The opinions herein are Mr Bluel's alone and are not that of OSHS, Falcon Empire or any other entity