I've been sitting at my computer for the past hour trying to figure this out. Here's the scoop...

Team Scores:
Manhattan: 138.5
Derby: 136.5
Washburn Rural: 135.5 145.5
Olathe North: 133

Manhattan: 3 (favored in 1)
Derby: 3 (favored in 1)
Washburn Rural: 3 (favored in 2)
Olathe North: 4 (favored in...2? 3? 4?)

From what I can tell, it's going to come down to how many matches OLN wins and how many bonus points each team scores. There are fairly possible scenarios where OLN loses state by .5 points.

I think Olathe North is the favorite, Washburn Rural is next, and then Derby and Manhattan are right there as well.

In conclusion, go Team Top Hat, win the whole banana.