Originally Posted By: Coach Buck
Now that the wrestling season is over, and I have had some time to reflect, I am convinced we need to make some changes to this great sport. Although I may not agree with every change I do applaud NCAA for their progressive rule changes each year in an attempt to make college wrestling better and more fan friendly. I believe these rule changes have had a huge positive impact on attendance.

There are 2 very easy things that could be done next year to improve High School Wrestling in this country and state and make it more exciting for fans.
1. The out of bounds rules have to be fixed. The rules as they are written and applied now favor the defensive wrestler in almost every situation. I have heard the biggest argument against using the college out of bounds rules is the mat size. This is easy to fix, if there is any part of either wrestler off the mat surface (on the floor) it is out of bounds if not then while any part of either wrestler is in bounds action continues. Please NFHS, change the out of bounds rules to the college rules!!!
2. Referees need to apply the stalling rules already in the rule book, especially in the neutral position. Rule 5-22-1 states "Each wrestler is required to make an honest attempt to stay within the 10-foot circle...This shall be demonstrated by those responsible with strict enforcement by referees" This alone would cut down on the number of restarts. Rule 5-22-3b states "It is stalling in the neutral position when a wrestler plays the edge of the mat" How many times have we seen a wrestler back to the out of bounds line then start wrestling so they can bail if they get into trouble. These rules are in place to keep the flow of a wrestling match going and to make it more exciting for the fans. We just need them enforced!!!

I agree with you. I think stalling when called often and early and consistently throughout the full match ......improves wrestling.

On bottom. A wrestler must try to get up. The top wrestler puts pressure on the bottom wrestler trying to set up a counter .... the stalling bottom man does not present the opportunity to the top man to counter. Its not called enough.

After going out of bounds a wrestler who delays a return to the center is also stalling. when directed by the referee to take bottom or get into position on top and does not but delays .... that is stalling.

Call stalling often and early!

Jay Irwin - Coach, Parent, Friend