I too thought there was way too many people out on the mats. I think this could be policed in some way. My other issue and issue with many people that were in the stands is coaches not taking a knee. Dont get me wrong. You coaches are awesome! I appreciate what you do for the kids. Most of you do kneel. But...there are a few teams that have coaches that will not kneel and have 3 or 4 in the corner. I had several matches of both my son, and his teammates that i missed most of the match because of 3-4 coaches standing in view. After one of the matches, i walked down to the end of the stands, and had someone get their attention. I asked them to please get down so we could see. They told me they didnt have to because they are "coaching" I told them it didnt matter, they still needed to kneel. Needless to say, they didnt give a crap what I thought. Often there were also many times officials would gather 3-4 in a group and stand between the mats, and you couldn't see the other side. Its not so bad when they are spread out, but when they are grouped, you just cant see anything. We as parents, grandparents, etc. are there to watch and cheer on our kids. We stay in the stands like we are suppose to, but can't even watch the matches. I know it was announced often, but if they dont listen, someone needs to enforce it. Please. Pease, make them sit, or make them leave.
Even during the finals matches towards the end there were many spectators screaming across the arena for people to sit.
My husband is a coach, so i am not trying to talk bad of any of you. Like i said, i did see LOTS of others kneeling, its just that some bad apples stand out. My husband always takes a knee. I'm sure he has heard me complain so much that he just knows. =)
I once asked a coach at a different tournament to kneel because he was standing in front of our entire section and no one could see. He said "move then if you cant see" Seriously?
State is huge, emotionally, and its what we all work towards all year long. This is just one more way to make it more enjoyable for everyone.

thanks for listening.