Originally Posted by Doug Vander Linden
I like the way you think Coach Williams!! JV Grand State!!!

We have held our JV tourney for 26 years. Lots of other coaches have called it that for years. I fought the temptation, but I finally gave in this year!! Heck, it is the LAST J.V. Tourney they can wrestle in. Washburn Rural has won the mythical J.V. State Team Championship the past 2 years!

How many tournaments give All-American honors to wrestlers? Surely, we can both give All-State J.V. titles?

J.K. Just happy our J.V. tourney keeps lots of kids out until the end of the season and encourages them to come back the next year to their teams!! There is NOT enough J.V. competition out there for kids that work just as hard as their #1 teammates in many cases!
Coach V.

I'm not sure how many Bill Voss Invites (JV States) Colby has had. I do know that I wrestled at "JV State" as a struggling 195 pound freshman heavyweight from Atwood in 1991. There were not many JV meets back then and I was our varsity heavyweight. Coach Woody made the decision to hold me out of a varsity tourney so I would be able to wrestle at JV State later in the year. It saved my wrestling career! It had been a long year and I was leaning toward basketball for the remainder of my high school career. JV State and getting to wrestle and beat other freshmen and sophomores after being beat on by seniors all year saved me from going to the Dark Side! This tourney still holds a special place in my heart!

Rick Williams
Colby High School