Originally Posted by J. Dale
Even having the discussion calls integrity into question.

Mr. Dale,

I know you are not familiar with our program, and that’s ok. I also know that everyone is entitled to their own opinions on religion, politics, and injury defaults, and that’s ok. But calling into question the integrity of our staff, kids, or program on a public forum is most certainly not ok.

I do not know if you were present at the 6A state tournament or not. Even if you were, you may have missed the blood round match at 120 pounds. But if you feel the need to call the integrity of our program into question, please consider the team race at that time, the opponent in the match (who is an absolute stud in his own right), the options available and the choices that were made by our coaching staff (and most importantly, the wrestler involved). The integrity of our program is paramount; it is more important to us than any medal or trophy.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me directly.

The fact that girls are forced to wrestle at state in the middle of the week is laughably sexist.