Scott, that's certainly an interesting take, and everyone is entitled to their opinions. That said, the overwhelming majority of feedback I have received on the college/hs dual has been positive, and we look forward to continuing the great relationship with Chanute and Neosho. Plus, with the music, smoke machine, spotlights, and a great crowd chanting for our wrestlers, I'm not sure what more we could add for the atmosphere, but I'm open to suggestions!

Additionally, I get the idea of spotlighting our 1st varsity, but our 2nd, 3rd, and 4th varsity deserves a chance to wrestle in front of a crowd as well. We love them just as much as the first stringers. smile

Last edited by DamonParker; 12/13/19 03:49 PM.

The fact that girls are forced to wrestle at state in the middle of the week is laughably sexist.