Mike Juby, Thank you for all you’re doing to keep us informed. I am a Nurse in SWKS and am not worried about what all the media is insinuating. I have not heard of any possible cases in our area. As stated by other members, we are exposed to many diseases every single day. Influenza, West Nile, RSV, Pneumonia and so on. The information I have read also states Coronavirus is similar to influenza. My cousin is a nurse and has cared for pts WITH CORONAVIRUS YEARS back. This is not new. It may be a new strand just like we see each year with influenza. Read the back of Lysol cans, Coronavirus is listed!!!! It’s been around for years!!! People need to calm down or stay home. Our wrestlers were exposed to this last weekend and everyday at school. We are all exposed when we leave the house. Let these kids wrestle!!!!! With that being said, safe travels to all and God Bless!