The statement about it being tougher to make the varsity in 5 or 6a because of the enrollment would seem to hold some credence. Using the same logic, you could take the enrollment of any one of the topmost 5 or 6 a schools and use it up in the 321a classification, and you would have a combination of Norton, St. Francis, and Oakley, with several students left over, and you would have a combination of wrestlers that would certainly be hard to beat! When you see what St. Francis is able to produce with an enrollment of 104 students, and see that the 5a/6a guys need several times that many students to produce a team that is anywhere near as good, you begin to see the value of tradition and competiion. Ark City is an example of a team that has created their own tradition, And some of the Kansas City and Wichita area teams have enhanced their competition level by wrestling summers in other states, which has brought them up a lot, but when you look at what quality some of the 321a schools have with no more student base and resouces that are available to them, You would think that the bigger schools would be way better, but they are not. Eventually the western schools will become too small to be a factor, but right now, yearin/year out , I would take an allstar team comprised of students from nw kansas against a similar Population base from anywhere else in the state and I think they would be superior. There are 11 schools that wrestle north of I-70 and on or west of 283. total enrollment of those schools is 1504, less than some 6a schools. take single area of Kansas totalling 1504 students, put together the best wrestlers from those schools, and I believe you would be hard pressed in any year to beat the best from that area. You can say that 5 or 6 a is better, but you are talking about the whole state vs. basically nw kansas.