Adamson-Bishop Lynch(Nationally Ranked)
Furches- Derby (Nationaly, and ranked 1st 6A)
Roger- WNW (2nd 6A)
Keller- Carrol (1st 5A)
Willamson- Mill Valley (2nd 5A)
Brewer- Colby (3rd 4A)
Rose- Emporia
Hoag- Ark City
Vesta- Mannhattan
Oklahoma kid is unknown so he could be good.
Note: not in order of what I think will happen just who came to mind. Pretty Freaking STACKED.

Madden- Norton (1st 123A)
Graham- Ark City (Defending 5a state Champ)
Altman- Derby (Defending 6A state Champ)
Ely- Leavenworth (I think hes 1st in 6A)
Bolay- Goddard
I would love to see all of these kids like wrestle in a round robin tournament. All are very good.

If I was rich I would be skipping school to go and watch this tournament. But Im not so I'll just stay up here and watch Basehor