As long as coaches keep in mind that they are there for the athletes, and not the other way around, participation shouldn't be an issue. I grew up in a place where you played 3 sports, that is just how it worked. The coaches knew that, and generally expected it and it did not hold us back at all. This is also the attitude of the people I coach with now, which is very refreshing.

I think playing football in the fall, wrestling in the winter, and running track in the spring helped keep us fresh for all of the sports. Wrestling can be so physically and emotionally draining that only a very few can truly keep it up year round.

As far as choosing a sport for conditioning reasons, there is nothing that compares to a 6 min wrestling match (when wrestled @ 100%), so choose whichever sport you enjoy and will have the most success at!

Any fool can criticize, complain, and condemn- and most do.