

I believe I said, if we put our best against their best , and neither state sends all of their best wrestlers to this event. I know this for a fact because I have been one of the coaches at this event before and several of my wrestlers have competed in this event, and they were not the best the state had to offer. So, no it is not a true measuring stick for either state’s wrestling programs, so your pressure (impression) is wrong! Neither team is a true reflection of the their state’s prospective programs.

I believe this was the topic at hand.

Ross Taplin would be one of the best the state had to offer, as would be Grater, Cornejo, Baldridge, etc. I don’t think I mentioned anything about who would win. Although, statistically speaking, Ross Taplin is a bit better than Ross Starcher. But, I concede to your infinite knowledge of this sport because you come from Lawrence, the hotbed of Kansas wrestling. I absolutely know nothing of this sport because I am a mere keyboard warrior. Let us all bow to your supremacy of wrestling knowledge.

Owned by ilander27. Oh, the shame!