Originally posted by bubowski:
But state is for the advanced kids who have been working hard for a few years learning the sport and competing at our states prmiere tournament. I tell my parents that Liberty, Wichita, Tulsa is not a place for novice wrestlers that's what Sunday novice tournamnets are for.
I may be mistaken but I thought those tournaments did have a 6 & Under division, as did USJOC and The Cotton Bowl, Brute Classic, all of which are USA Sanctioned Tournaments. Also, I have seen some 6 & Under wrestlers that I would consider advanced in their skills and ability. Kids like Boo Dryden, Dakoda Rodd, CJ Menges, any of the 6 and Under Deshazer boys, and I could go on and on with these kids from Kansas who have wrestled 6 & Under on a National level.