I said some kids are able to handle it but they are few and far between. I felt my son was ready at six and he was he made it to state. Most kids are not ready, Please read the entire post before commenting onwhat I wrote. If your six year old is ready take him to state, if he's not leave him at home. How did your club vote on this issue when it was brought up. I have never forced my son to cut weight if he does it he does it on his own. Most six and under matches are more comic relief than wrestling, The bottom line is as a whole they don't need to be there, If they are good enough let them make it in 8U. I'm sorry your six year old can't wrestle 8U and make it. If he could you wouldn't be so supportive of this issue. I feel I have brought my son through wrestling the right way, He's a young 12 now and doing well 18-4, I have never put undue pressure on him to win, but this is what will happen with a bunch of inexperienced wrestling parents throwing 4-6 year olds out there. You see it at every tournament, we don't need it at state, I tell my parents that their first and second year wrestlers are better of wrestling on Sunday, Do they all listen- NO they don't but that's their choice. The state tournament is already crowded enough and long enough without adding to it by allowing 6U to wrestle. It seems like you have a problem with me for stating my opinion, oh well, Ill live and I will continue to vote no on this as long as I have a vote, which will be until my son is unable to wrestle in kids anymore. If you poll most coaches and club directors they will vote this down by a large margin as they have done every year( last year it was 70% no). Live with the rules the way they are your boy has a long wrestling career ahead of him he has many more years to make it to state.