I would first like to congradulate all the wrestlers in Fargo. That is one tough tournament. It is impressive to see all those mats on the floor of the FargoDome. I just want to say thanks to all the athletes, coaches and parents I got to work with the last 17 years I officiated greco/freestyle. As some might already know I made So. Plains Kids/cadets my last tournament. I made a promise to myself all those years ago if I could not go to as many meets that I felt I needed to go to to be the best official I could be that I would quit. I have changed jobs, less pay than when I worked at UPS, and am planning on going back to school this fall. I feel I need to focus on school like I used to focus on wrestling. I will still officiate High School, so I will see some of you then. I will miss seeing all of you at matches. My wife Mary, I got married last Nov., wanted me to make sure I was doing this for me, not just for her. She wanted to go to some matches but taking off from her teaching gig was hard. Travelling became hard when I could not take off from the new job like I could at UPS. There are a bunch of people I wiould like to say thanks to, but will only name one. I will probably leave a name out since there are so many, and I do not want to hurt any feelings. I know some of you are laughing at that last statement. I really want to say thanks to John Aiken. He called and asked me to officiate with him in 1987. He was the one who gave me rides and explained the basic philosophy of being an official to me. As an official I always strived to be the best official I could be, like some of you athletes, I wanted to be the best official on the mat. Over the years I know I have "irritated" many coaches, athletes, and parents. To them I say I am sorry. I tried to officiate every match the same, give each athlete the same oppurtunity to be the best athlete on the mat. I feel I was a decent official and was objective of this great sport of wrestling. Some of you might disagree with the "decent" description I know. Anyway I had a great time being an official would not trade these great times for anything. Again I say Thanks to everyone ever involved with USA KS Wrestling. See ya around. Dan Smith