Originally posted by Jeff Mercer:
Newman University adding a women's wrestling program is a big plus for Kansas - but how great would it be to have other colleges and universities in Kansas add their own teams? If other schools in Kansas follow the lead from Newman it would put our state at the forefront of the women's wrestling movement. Travel expenses would be less and the competition from such in-state rivalries would be intense. Too often we depend on the folks back east or out west to take the lead. In wrestling we have a situation where the Midwest has a chance to lead the nation. Why can't Kansas be the hot bed for amateur wrestling? We produce solid wrestlers; we might as well develop opportunities for them to compete closer to home. Let's congratulate Newman for adding this wrestling program but let's not allow ourselves to become satisfied. Let's keep the pressure on to add more wrestling programs - for both men and women - in Kansas. And why we are working to add more wrestling programs, let's remember to support the ones we have! We still have work to do.

I know it might seem like a distant dream to have more Kansas colleges and universities with wrestling programs but dreams lead to vision which lead to action which lead to results. With Newman's decision to add a women's wrestling program we have more reasons to dream of even better days ahead for wrestling in Kansas.

Good Luck Coach Stovall!
I heard that women's wrestling at Newman is still waiting approval. Is Newman actually going to get it or not?

Yours in wrestling,

The Swayz
swayz.wrestling@gmail.com recruiting help, promoting the sport& more!