Kansas Wrestling

12 under 92# @ Pitt Subs

Posted By: cujo

12 under 92# @ Pitt Subs - 03/15/09 12:22 AM

Seen and heard a very disturbing parent today at Pittsburg Subs.

2 Kids wrestling their butts off, 1 winner and 1 loser. I believe it was an East Ks Club Vs Columbus kids. Both wrestlers show dignity after the match, but the mother of the losing wrestler was absolutly pathetic!

When it was done as she was getting to her feet she was yelling "It's ok, you will kick his A** next weekend, He's not that good, your as good as he is (her son's name), you'll kick his A** next weekend.

This attitude and language and disrespectful actions by the mother was uncalled for. I'm not sure who all heard it, but it was quite impressive.

Nothing like a grown adult calling out an 11 or 12 year old young man (for her son).

Remember MOM your son is putting on the singlet and stepping onto the mat doing something he loves hopefully for himself and not for you!
Posted By: cujo

Re: 12 under 92# @ Pitt Subs - 03/15/09 12:25 AM

Oh ya, so there is no confusion.. Not the Columbus parent.
Posted By: Bad MaamaJamma

Re: 12 under 92# @ Pitt Subs - 03/15/09 12:30 AM

i heard this as well CUJO i was surprised too when i heard the lady yelling it so others could hear
Posted By: Ben Dover

Re: 12 under 92# @ Pitt Subs - 03/15/09 01:32 AM

I have been involved with wrestling a long time now and have seen this sport bring out the best in people, and unfortunately, also the worst. Whenever I see a competitor, or parent display what appears to be outward hatred and anger to an opponent I am amazed! I am also reminded of a great quote by East Kansas’s own Eric Akin,

“How can I hate the man I set out to conquer when he trains like me, has the same goals as me, thinks like me, loves the same sport as me, accepts the same challenges as me, weighs the same as me, when there is no one else as similar as me, Because of these things I love who he is and because of that I can defeat him."

That kid on the other side of the mat deserves to be treated with the same respect that you would want your son to be treated with. He deserves that respect, as does every kid who steps out on the mat.

Referees however are fair game!!
Posted By: Akin Wrestling

Re: 12 under 92# @ Pitt Subs - 03/15/09 01:41 AM

While competition often brings out the best in us, it also all to often brings out the worst in us. Therefore, it is not right for me to hold those actions against another competitor.

What happens in the heat of battle simply can not dictate how we judge other people. Competition makes us do CRAZY things!

Have a great Sunday everyone.
Posted By: deeohh

Re: 12 under 92# @ Pitt Subs - 03/16/09 03:11 AM

I happened to get a vidio with audio of the high spirited Mommy. Im getting it ready for YOU-TUBE now. I hope she dont care. Ill be watching for her next week for a follow up. You will love it, it's film making at its best.
Posted By: Ben Dover

Re: 12 under 92# @ Pitt Subs - 03/16/09 08:40 PM

I would love to see the video! Let us know when you get it posted. My favorite mom video on You-Tube can be found at

Posted By: June Bug

Re: 12 under 92# @ Pitt Subs - 03/17/09 12:26 AM

Originally Posted By: deeohh
I happened to get a vidio with audio of the high spirited Mommy. Im getting it ready for YOU-TUBE now. I hope she dont care. Ill be watching for her next week for a follow up. You will love it, it's film making at its best.

Good for you. Send it to Hollywood. Maybe you should be a producer instead of a wrestling groupie.

What if everything that we ALL did or said was on YOUTUBE???

God help us!
Posted By: Butt-Head

Re: 12 under 92# @ Pitt Subs - 03/17/09 12:39 AM

If she looks at this video, whoever made the tape can get into trouble. We've had kids video-tape fights and get into some pretty big trouble then we had a lil announcement due to the privacy laws that say that you can't make a video of somebody without their consent.http://www.usdoj.gov/oip/privstat.htm
Posted By: ccheney

Re: 12 under 92# @ Pitt Subs - 03/17/09 11:15 PM

I realize that emotions can get the best of people and for the reactions on Sat @ Pit I apologize. Believe me we've been on the other side @ Lee's Summit earlier this year when a whole gym full of people cheered against and called my son a cheater. I guess I forgot what it was like to be on the other side. A mistake I admit because I am an adult. Just got caught up in the moment and forgot where I was. Sorry to Taylor I did not mean to be so disrespectful. For those that don't know me you cannot judge me for one moment of immaturity. Not all of us are perfect. He whose is perfect cast the first stone and I do not know anyone with any rocks in their pockets. Besides that my anger that day was a personal matter and I let it out the wrong way. This Saturday will be awesome as will all the 12u 92 will be. As for the video on utube you are not allowed to post that without my consent. I may have been stupid on Saturday last week but I am smart enough to know this and I will contact the website and let them know.
Posted By: John Johnson

Re: 12 under 92# @ Pitt Subs - 03/18/09 01:06 AM

Wrestling people are suspose to be kind of like family. If someone does something embarassing, give them a chance to make it right. Do not go out of your way to publically humiliate them. Posting a video of this would be childish and immature. As Kansas wrestling people we should stand together at the end of the day, and at the end of the season we might even include the refs.
Posted By: lateral drop

Re: 12 under 92# @ Pitt Subs - 03/18/09 01:23 AM

I am pretty sure deeohh is pulling someones chain,I wouldnt get to excited about a video.Everyone has done something in the heat of the moment,me included,that given a few seconds to think about would change or have done somewhat differently............

Re: 12 under 92# @ Pitt Subs - 03/18/09 01:42 AM

Mrs. Cheney,

I am glad you realize you were in the wrong that afternoon. I was sitting right beside cheering Taylor on and was dumbfounded to hear what came out of your mouth after the match. I'm sure the Watkins family appreciates your apology but I recommend a personal one to Taylor and his family on Sat. in Topeka as well. Best of luck to PJ, he IS a GREAT wrestler, most people know that....subs, districts and state are grueling and very competitive...we have to set back and let our kids enjoy themselves, have fun and hopefully come out on top. We all get emotional and say things directly or indirectly and like another person had posted, the wrestling community should be like family...friends on and off the mat. See you on Sat. Good Luck PJ!!!!!

Renee' Burdick
Ottawa Mat Masters
Posted By: June Bug

Re: 12 under 92# @ Pitt Subs - 03/18/09 03:00 AM

So is the video on YouTube or not? If so, prosecute to the fullest?

Nahh. Just kidding. Be the better person and forgive them for the retaliation.

"Cast no stone."
Posted By: June Bug

Re: 12 under 92# @ Pitt Subs - 03/18/09 03:03 AM

Mrs. Cheney,

your response to the YouTube situation is admirable. Good job. And good luck to your son this weekend.

But most importantly, luck is better at State!

Better to be lucky than good. . . Suckas!!!
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