I would like to take the opportunity to thank a few individuals that provided significant contributions to our program during our National Duals run.

Thanks to Richard Salyer and the folks in District 2 for your support. We have several guys that came out of that district during their youth careers.

Thanks to John Mosley. He had something to do with Pat being involved with our program, but we appreciate your financial support as well.
I know I am missing many individual contributors, and any amount donated was awesome. With that said, I couldn't let these folks go unnoticed.

We exceeded our expectations this season as we qualified 8 of 9 for the National Tournament in Daytona Florida. We are looking forward to representing Wichita State and Kansas Wrestling. We appreciate all the enthusiasm you (the Kansas Wrestling Community) has given us, and we look forward to your continued support as we head to Nationals.

If you wish to aid the team in its increased expenses for this trip (additional rooms, an extra day of travel, meals, etc.) please contact team captains, coaches, or mail a tax deductible donation.

Team Contacts:
Co-Captain: Dustin Greer- dustinlgreer@gmail.com (785-392-4441)
Co-Captain: Nick Thomas- nowen.thomas5@gmail.com (620-674-1763)
Coach: Jason Halling- jhalling@usd259.net (620-617-2310)
Coach: Paul Myers- pmyers@ysd259.net (316-806-7805)

Please mail tax deductible donations to:
Wichita State Wrestling
c/o Heskett Center
1845 Fairmount St.
Wichita, KS 67200-0126

Last edited by Jason Halling; 03/01/12 01:07 AM.

Jason Halling