I would like express my thanks to Caney Valley High School for truly growing the sport of wrestling in Kansas. Today, 12/7/2019, Caney Valley High School hosted a 21 team Varsity tournament. That alone would be more than many schools are willing to take on, but Caney Valley did a full Varsity, Junior Varsity and Girls division on the same day. Caney Valley and its supporters were able to host three (3) tournaments under one roof on the same day, and still have everyone on the road and heading home by 6:30. This was done even though there were delays with everyone being ready for the new weigh-in procedures, and Trackwrestling equipment had some issues early in the morning. I am not criticizing the weigh-in procedures, or Trackwrestling, I'm just acknowledging what we all know, things go wrong and delay even the best ran tournaments. CRAP HAPPENS. Again, Caney Valley dealt with these issues, ran three tournaments in one building and still got athletes, coaches and families back on the road by 6:30. These are the kind of tournaments that grow the sport of wrestling. Families and friends can see everything Kansas wrestling has to offer on one weekend in one location. Great job Coach Rigdon, and great job Caney Valley. I really hope this great opening tournament continues to showcase Kansas Wrestling at its finest.