If you are interested in becoming a certified KSHSAA and USAWKS Official we have a great opportunity for you! Sunday, October 5th, at 630pm at St. James Academy there will be a clinic available to you. The classroom is still being decided.

The clinic will...

- View the required Rules video from KSHSAA
- Review the test
- Go through the registration process for KSHSAA
- Register for USAWKS officaiting
- Discuss how to acquire officiating assignments
- Review what you need to officiate (gear, etc)
- Answer any general questions you may have

What you should bring:

Laptop, if you have one with Wifi capability
Check for $5 made out to USAWKS**
Check for $47 made out to KSHSAA**

Jeremy Struemph will be handling the folkstyle information with assistance from Ryne and Reese Cokeley.

Ryne and Reese Cokeley will also be available for Freestyle/Greco questions relating to officiating

** If this is the first year you are registering USAWKS will reimburse you for both your KSHSAA and USAWKS officiating fees. They still must be paid, but you will be reimbursed.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Jeremy Struemph at