I think part of the difference is in your perspective. As a parent, you are more aware of the politics. There were problems in 1999 also.

In 1999 when a club split off, or parents fought in the stands, you probably didn't even know about it unless it directly affected you. Now, you can witness the arguments live on this forum.

There are still tight bonds between most wrestlers and most wrestling families. I speak regularly in person and on the phone to fathers of kids my son has wrestled throughout the years. We attend their practices and they ours. In wrestling, we have made friends of opponents and their families unlike in any other sport.

All that being said, there are some real problems with our society that are reflected in every wrestling tournament, every basketball game and football game. We have made sports more than they really are. We and our children see over and over the newest end zone dances and hockey fights and basketball players going after fans that taunt them mercilessly. Sportsmanship and respect for the game are, at the professional level, largely a thing of the past, and this has trickled down from college to high school and even middle schools.

Some of the things that I think we all enjoy may actually contribute to the problem. For example, the parade of champions with the spotlights and music. It is a nice reward for the wrestlers and exciting for the fans. It's also a prime opportunity for bad sportmanship and may be a little over the top for eight year old athletes.

I still believe that there are very few bad apples in youth wrestling and many many great people out there.