I think for the most part even us Adults get along. Dan Gentzler had Jake and I to his practice this season, he had three wrestlers in Jake's weight.

Ark City had extra rooms reserved we gave them to our good friends from WWC, Ayala's, Mills, and Stuart's.

We also got two rooms for our friends the Schroeder's, Brycen was in Jake's bracket at State.

At the Hotel we hung out and had some refreshments with the Derby wrestling club which we think the world of. The day before we hung out with El Dorado.

Jake warmed up with Tanner Hitchcock at state, his father and I get along great, even though he is ahead of Jake 3-1.

We spent New Years with the Spangler's. Tracy always finds Jake and tells him hi at tournaments.

Two years ago when Jake and Kesean Deshazer were battling against each other, we would practice with TOHK and were welcomed. I still have a good relationship with his father and think the world of his kids.

There are several fathers and parents I have met this year that are great; Tate Steels dad, Kolton Meditz dad, Jared Parenti's dad, Coach Bill, Kevin McKracken (Kales dad), Ryker Sims dad, Kaj Perez's dad, the list goes on and on...our kids compete against each other, and as Adults we get along and respect each other.

Don't let one or two incidents ruin it. There are great people in the wrestling community and for the most part we get along.

I apologize for the great people I left off the list but the post was getting rather lengthy.

Last edited by Beeson; 04/04/08 01:31 AM.

Unnecessary Roughness is Necessary