I hope that I don't step on any toes here but there is still a family atmosphere in kids wrestling. At districts my son was wrestling his second round match and after he won and came off the mat I was about the fifth person to tell him good job. There were three other kids and there coaches there to shake his hand and tell him how well he did. He ended up sixth and for his first year that was just fine with me but what happend after was awsome. The boy that beat him gave him a hug on the mat and two other boys he has wrestled all year long took him off to the side and congratulated him. It really made me realize that these kids want to win but also put friendship first and maybe us as coaches and parents could learn from our children a little more. I'm as bad as anyone and want to make the experience as good as possible for all of the kids that I coach.

leave it all on the mat every time!
chris schritter