Purler Wrestling’s Takedown Training Camp.
Don’t like sharing the mats with 300 other wrestlers? Neither would we!
Week 1 and 2 are almost full, with week 3 and 4 being half full. We actually have several high school coaches who opt out of the conventional ‘live wrestling’ team camp format who bring their teams to learn our teaching methods and program. With space being limited to just 45 athletes/group, camps tend to fill up quickly with high school and youth teams sending 10 or more athletes. Currently, there are teams coming from as far away as New Jersey, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Colorado, as well as other parts of the Midwest. Athletes of all size/age are welcome. If interested, please go to http://www.purlerwrestling.com for all camp info regarding our Takedown Machine Summer Drill Camp.
Note: The last session is a 2 hour hard drill session. Wrestlers will be forced to hit several reps of every technique shown during the camp. Parents are free to watch this session, and see first hand that their wrestler actually learned something at camp. We encourage you to find another camp in the country who would advertise this. Actually, a common theme in our sport is “If your son picked up one or two things from a camp, it was worth it.” We say “If your son only learned one or two things from a camp, you should get your money back!” Your son will retain what he’s learned at our camp. All wrestlers are encouraged to come in shape. Though they will have fun on our 50 acre state campgrounds, the sessions will be drill intensive, and your son will hit several hundred reps. Purler bros.
Online Registration and Camp info: http://www.purlerwrestling.com .