Ryne Cokeley is on "center court" on Mat 1. He is battling a foe from Oregon. Ryne trails early, 0-1 but goes ahead with a 2-point takedown followed by a 2-point gut. Cokeley goes on to exploit the position for another gut in the first 30-second period. Ryne's defense is superb and he wins the 1st-period, 7-1.

After a scoreless minute of the 2nd frame, Ryne wins the flip. Ryne gains a 2-point turn in the last second. His defense is again sound and he wins the bout, 7-1, 3-0!

Are you making a POSITIVE difference in the life of kids?

Randy Hinderliter
USAW Kansas
KWCA Rep/Coaches Liaison
Ottawa University Volunteer Assistant