I'd also like to thank Randy for his contributions in posting these updates. This morning, during one of the (way too many) meetings held up here, we were reminded that this is the 16th year that the Junior/Cadet National Championships have been held in Fargo. Included with our state's delegation at this event are some people who I believe have been here every one of those 16 years, and should receive acknowledgement. First are Chuck and Cherie Elvin - Cherie is here working as a pairings official and Chuck is here in his capacity as the assistant director of the Junior Council and board member of USA Wrestling. When the nationals were moved to Fargo, Chuck was the state chairman for Kansas.

Also included in this list are coach Dennis Charbonneau and mat official Mark Anderson, with coach Scott Rieck coming in close behind them. By comparison, I'm a newby on the block, experiencing my eleventh trip up here. Seven years ago I enticed Randy Hinderliter into coming with me to experience the event and, although he had to leave early that year, managed to thoroughly hook him - something that I'm sure is greatly appreciated by everyone following his reports.

Here is a complete list of this year's Kansas delegation, all of whom are working hard and representing your state well. If you know any of these individuals I would ask that you thank them for the work they do on behalf of our state and its athletes:

Junior Coaches:
Mike Garcia
Scott Rieck
Austin DeVoe
Jarrett Edison

Cadet Coaches:
Tom Peterman
Dennis Charbonneau
Russ Hermreck
Mike Church
Matt Jobe

Pairings Officials:
Cherie Elvin
Marcie Altman
Cindy Shavlik

Mat Officials:
Mark Anderson
Charles Knox
Drew Anderson

Other Delegates:
Chuck Elvin
Mike Juby
Randy Hinderliter